Life is unpredictable at the best of times, and just when you think that you have got life figured it throws a curveball at you. Therefore, it is in your best interest to be prepared for all the rough times that you will inevitably have to face. One of the best ways to do that is to ensure protection of your health and the health of your family, with Critical Illness Insurance coverage. It is beneficial since it eases the financial impact a critical illness will have on you, by allowing you to cover the total medical and disability income costs.
Medical science has greatly evolved over time, and this has increased the chances of recovery of an individual from critical illnesses such as a stroke, cancer, or a heart attack. Most medical plans today offer you with coverage for medical or hospital expenses, which often arise due to critical illnesses, but they don’t offer you with coverage for a lot of expenses. These may include transportation to treatment centers, childcare, financial impact of a critical illness, and medical co-pays.
We can help you by providing you with critical illness insurance that will provide you with coverage so that you can handle the financial impact of a critical illness. The main features of the critical insurance policy offered are as follows:
You can take advantage of critical illness insurance by complimenting it with your disability income and medical coverage. The main benefit of the critical illness insurance coverage is that it eases the financial impact on you by covering the expenses that are associated with your illness.
Critical Illness Insurance allows you to get financial coverage for all the costs that are caused by life-threatening illnesses. Once you get sick from a critical illness, the policy ensures that the total financial impact of the illness doesn’t cripple your finances. You also have complete power on how you can choose to spend the money, which will be delivered to you in a lump-sum cash payment.
Critical Illness Insurance can really help you out when it comes to reducing your debt, and coping with the financial concerns regarding your illness.
If you want to make a claim for critical illness insurance, you will need to consult with a licensed physician that currently practices medicine in Canada, and is a specialist in the particular illness you suffer from. The physician will have to diagnose you with a critical illness or disease that is covered in the insurance policy.
Once you have made the claim, you will receive a lump-sum benefit payment within 30 days, once the claim has been approved. There are no restrictions placed on how you can use the money. Once the claim has been paid in full, the critical illness policy will cease to exist.